Found this guy's story on Just the first two paragraphs, the rest can be read here.
I'd like to add my story to your web site. The decision to leave the church has been made very recently [Jan. 1999], with letters going out this very week to family, bishop, stake president, and church office informing them of my decision to have my name removed from the records of the church. So, I'm right in the middle of it all... which may make for an interesting post. (Perhaps I'll update it in couple of months or so with some perspective.) I've never done anything in my life that I was more sure of than stepping cleanly away from the church. I've never felt so peaceful, so free, and so alive in my life as I have since the 'change' began about 4 months ago.
What was the change all about? It was about doing my own searching for the meaning of it all. It was about reading some concepts in a book that were put so clearly that I couldn't help but change my mind about such basic things as the nature of God and the purpose of life. For the first time, the world made sense to me. No big nagging questions that I had had since I was a small boy. I gained a perspective that simply wiped out the stereotypical concepts of God that I'd been exposed to (Mormon and Christian mainly). For the first time in my life I saw God's love as truly unconditional and that we have God-given free agency to create what ever we want to in this life WITHOUT fear of condemnation or judgement in any form. Life is about the experience. It's simply about being. We're all OK in God's creation.This guy totally gets it.
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