Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Heaven and earth are impartial. They allow all things to die." ~Lao Tzu

Preach it, Lao Tzu. The Buddhist principle of impermanence has helped me a lot, coming out of Mormonism. In Mormonism you're taught that you can only be happy if you live forever with your family. I think a lot of people have trouble leaving because they can't come to accept that their life will end at death. The truth that we all have to come to grasp is that things end and there's nothing we can do about it, so we might as well accept it. But there is so much beauty that can be found in infinite moments, moments that touch the divine. These moments connect to things that are eternal. Truth, beauty, wisdom. But like Solomon said, "all is vanity." All will vanish. But it's all good tho #yolo

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